From Chip Roy <[email protected]>
Subject The top woman swimmer is a... man??
Date March 24, 2022 7:31 PM
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End this woke insanity

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Fellow Conservative,

It gives a whole new meaning to the childhood adage "First is the worst. Second is the best."

A biological man, who still has his male anatomy and will always have his male DNA, just became the "best" collegiate WOMAN swimmer on the national stage.

While the media celebrated, the rest of America was left scratching their did we stoop this low as a culture?

But that's not all...The unhinged Rachel Levine, a biological man who is the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health (of all things), was named "Woman of the Year" by USA Today.

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Emma Weyant of UVA is the real swimming champ! She won fair and square. Her hard work and victory should not be eclipsed to satisfy woke ideologues.
Fight Woke Insanity -- Chip in Today! ([link removed])
And when the satirical Babylon Bee made a joke about it, Big Tech suspended their Twitter account. No blasphemy allowed against the transgender religion...even if you are parody publication!

This is why I say we can't just "take back the House" in 2022 -- we need to TAKE BACK AMERICA. Will you help me? ([link removed])

Conservatives must be completely unsparing and uncompromising when it comes to fully removing and defunding any and all of this cultural woke nonsense.

I'm sick of Republicans talking the talk but then doing NOTHING. The majority of America KNOWS this is ridiculous and sees this transgender mania as a sign of cultural decay.

But because big donors and organizations are all onboard with wokeness, the Establishment only pays lip service to the base and then waits for the issue to be replaced by something else in the newscycle.

Everyone should be outraged -- fathers of daughters in particular. We must stand up for girls and for the dignity of women as God Almighty has created them.

Enough is Enough. We need to defend fairness in female sports. Stand with me and let's Take Back America in 2022! ([link removed])

For Liberty,
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Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21
Stand for Girls in Sports! ([link removed])
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