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Dear John,

Fed up with corrupt, career politicians in Washington selling out our values and America's future for their own selfish gain...

...a Black conservative Army veteran (and rising star) from Texas is taking matters into his own hands by running for Congress.

This American hero is fighting to retake a critical U.S. House seat seized by Democrats last election...

Wesley Hunt

...but he needs patriotic conservatives like you and me to have his back.

I'm hoping you'll join me in endorsing Wesley Hunt for U.S. House this election...

...but first let me explain why Democrats are so afraid of Captain Wesley Hunt.

As you know, John, the Democrats are gearing up to seize power in Washington this election so they can transform the "Land of the Free" into a socialist nightmare...

...but their hostile takeover of America hinges entirely on their ability to scare Black voters into supporting Democrats with the vicious LIE that all conservatives like you and me are all racists.

That's why they bombard Black voters with the "Republicans are racist" LIE, stoke the flames of racism and hatred in America, and viciously attack anyone who dares to challenge their empire of lies.

But Democrats are freaking out...

...now that Wesley Hunt has WON the Republican Primary and is officially the GOP Nominee.

Because if there's anything Democrats fear more than a Black conservative exposing the truth about the Liberal LIES to Black voters...

...it's an intelligent, successful, fearless, Black, conservative, American hero like Capt. Wesley Hunt leading the fight to reclaim Black voters from the Democrat Party.

Wesley Hunt
Capt. Wesley Hunt
West Point graduate, Apache helicopter pilot, and lifelong conservative with 3 graduate degrees (MBA, MPA and MILR) from Cornell University.

John, the Democrats are terrified of Wesley Hunt because recent polling shows he has a REALLY good shot at plucking this crucial U.S. House seat right out of Nancy Pelosi's hands.

Just look at how he plowed through his competition in the Republican primary...

Republican Primary chart

And right now, his Democrat opponents are locked in a runoff, which means Hunt will have more time to reach voters while the Democrats rip into each other.

As a U.S. Congressman, Hunt would have a national stage to speak the truth to millions of Black voters across the country - which he'll use to:

  • EXPOSE the Liberal Lies to the entire nation
  • RECLAIM Black voters to the Republican Party
  • END the Democrats' death-grip on the Black Community

John, the Democrats will do anything - anything - to keep their stranglehold on Black voters because...

...they know that if they lose just 12% of the Black vote nationwide, it'll be mathematically impossible for them to ever win another election.

That's why Democrats are so terrified of Wesley Hunt and will stop at nothing to destroy him!

That's why I really need to know, John...

Once I receive your endorsement, I'll send it directly to Wesley so he'll know he has the full support of patriotic conservatives like you.

Along with your endorsement, I pray you'll also make an urgent donation of $20.22, $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000 or more to help Wesley FIGHT BACK against the Democrats' vicious attacks!

Your endorsement and financial support are crucial to:

  • Recruit more conservatives like you to endorse Wesley Hunt
  • Run advertising campaigns in Texas up through Election Day
  • Propel Wesley to victory in this crucial U.S. House race

With Democrats funneling tens of millions of dollars into an all-out assault on this American hero...

...it's up to patriots like you and me to help Wesley Hunt FIGHT BACK.

So please sign your personal endorsement to Wesley Hunt today...

...and make an urgent donation of $20.22, $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000 or more to beat back the Democrats' attacks and propel Wesley Hunt to victory!

Or if that's more than you can afford right now, then please give $15, $10, or even $5 as a symbol of your support.

Thank you, John, and God Bless.

Alvin Williams

For America,

Alvin Williams signature

Alvin Williams
President & CEO

? Black America's PAC Action Fund
Paid for by Black America's PAC Action Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.


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