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Dear Fellow Patriot,

Joe Biden has been a complete disaster for America. Thanks to Biden, our southern border is still wide open, we have skyrocketing inflation, and gas prices have reached an all-time high.
Biden’s failure is going unnoticed by the Democrats because they don’t truly care about our country or you.

Hardworking, taxpaying Americans nationwide are being FORCED to pay for the consequences of Biden and the Democrats’ awful leadership.
Our country is being destroyed right before our eyes. We need to take a stand. I am running for reelection so I can continue calling out Biden, Pelosi, and AOC on their dangerous policies.
Support me in my fight so we can get this country back on track!
The mainstream media is not doing enough to keep Biden accountable for this. It is clear how disastrous his presidency has been for our nation. Gas prices are higher than they were in 2008! Our inflation is out of control and way higher than it was during the 2008 financial crisis!
The Biden administration, working with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat establishment are making Americans suffer every single day. They NEED to be kept accountable for this. A donation to my campaign will ensure I can remain in Congress and keep fighting for you.

America cannot survive if these Democrats keep up their work. If I remain in Congress, I can create an army of powerful, fearless Republicans to STOP Biden in his tracks. The time for change is right now! Support me by donating TODAY!

For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District
P.S.: We have reached record-high gas prices and are facing skyrocketing inflation.

Biden and the corrupt Democrats are laughing while they watch our beloved nation suffer!

Support my campaign so I can stop their disastrous agenda immediately. We need to start fighting for our country right now, before it is too late.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!


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