Dear John,

We have a big deadline at midnight tomorrow. That is when all campaigns must file finance reports.

Please support our campaign at this critical time. Your contribution of $25, $50 or more makes a big statement and fuels our efforts to reach out to voters.

Please use this link and contribute today:

We are stronger together and strongest with you.

Our grassroots campaign for Attorney General is giving a voice to people across the city. You amplify that voice.

Together, we stand for the issues that are of utmost importance to District residents, in particular those with unmet needs.

When we work together toward a common goal we are unstoppable.

Thank you,



Paid for by McDuffie 2022
Patrick Swygert, Jr., Treasurer.
1609 Buchanan Street NE, Washington, DC 20017
A copy of our report is filed with the DC Office of Campaign Finance.

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