Far too many people have been victims to predatory lending practices, and my wife Shirin is no exception.


Alongside tens of millions of Americans, my family has seen firsthand the weight that the student loan system carries. Far too many people have been victims to predatory lending practices, and my wife Shirin is no exception. After college, Shirin’s loan service provider placed her loans on an interest-only repayment plan without telling her. That almost doubled the total amount of the loan. It took us decades to pay it off.

This is a conflict that students–especially students of color–are facing at an increasing rate. Strong policies like ensuring access to tuition and debt free public colleges or universities, investments into trade schools and minority serving institutions, and closing equity gaps in higher education, will give students the opportunity to secure their future without the fear of financial risk.

This kind of action must be collective, which is why I am asking for your support.  Your donation could help ease the financial burden millions of people are facing right now.

Education is a human right. We need to guarantee the right to a good, public education for all! Canceling existing student debt and placing a cap on it for the future would free millions of Americans from financial burden and allow them to build their life– encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship that would undoubtedly benefit individuals and our communities.

Education is a human right, and we must begin to treat it that way


Junaid Ahmed

P.S. We must also use the awesome power of the federal government to demand colleges and universities fix their broken tuition systems.




Paid for by Junaid Ahmed for Congress


135 W. Central Road
Schaumburg IL 60195