We've had a busy week, and November is getting closer every day! Please read below to hear about some of the things that are bringing us closer and closer to better representation for the people of Kansas' Third Congressional District.


Many of you will probably agree when I say that Biden's address did nothing to convince me that we are better off under Democratic leadership, and I will continue questioning throughout this campaign: Are you better off?

The Biden Administration has been riddled with crises, both at home and abroad. Poor energy policies have caused Kansas gas prices to increase by $1.20/gallon since Biden took office and record inflation will cost the average Kansas family nearly $4,500 this year. Joe Biden also continues to ignore the border crisis despite record breaking illegal immigration and record overdose deaths, including a 51% surge in Kansas, fueled by fentanyl that comes primarily through Mexico.
The increased cost of goods and services impacting Kansas families is due in large part to reckless government spending supported by Sharice Davids. Joe Biden also tried to resell his Build Back Better mess which, according to the Congressional Budget Office, would contribute another almost $3 trillion to the federal deficit over ten years. On Tuesday, Biden promised that the state of our union is strong. Unfortunately, it is clear that the state of our union is much weaker after a year of leadership from Democrats in Congress and the White House.

I was also LIVE on Facebook Wednesday morning to share more. You can access that LIVE here:


My dear friend and Former National Committeewoman Helen Van Etten endorsed our campaign on Thursday. You can read Helen’s comments below. Helen and I worked side by side when I chaired the KS GOP, and I am so grateful to still have her support and friendship.
Yesterday I was endorsed by the Susan B. Anthony List. The SBA List is at the forefront of the pro-life fight, a cause that is extremely near and dear to my heart. No group has done more on the grassroots level to elect qualified, pro-life candidates to the US House than the SBA List. I look forward having their support in my effort to take back KS-03 and bring more pro-life voices to Washington. The full endorsement announcement can be found here

We have two neighborhood meet and greets coming up this month. Please feel free to join us! And if you’d like to host an event in your neighborhood, you can sign up here

  • “Ask Amanda” Neighborhood Open House in Gardner: TODAY, Saturday, March 5 from 1 - 3 pm at 215 W Park St. Gardner, KS 66030
  • “Ask Amanda” Neighborhood Open House in Shawnee: Saturday, March 26 from 10 am - 12 pm at 5024 Lewis Dr. Shawnee, KS 66226

The RNC will also be hosting a special Third-District focused volunteer training on Wednesday, March 9th from 6-8 PM at the Johnson County GOP office. This training will provide you with the most up-to-date tools and skills to be an effective campaigner this cycle as we work to defeat Sharice Davids! For more information and to RSVP, visit
Have a great weekend, and I hope to see you out and about in the Third District soon! 
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© Amanda Adkins for Congress 2022