From Chip Roy <[email protected]>
Subject Deeply grateful
Date March 3, 2022 5:06 PM
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Fellow Conservative,

I'm deeply grateful for the overwhelming support from voters of the 21st Congressional District on Tuesday. They've placed their trust in me to continue the important fight ahead.

America faces a clear choice — freedom or tyranny.

Our calling is to take back America from a Radical Left trying to remake our country — we must restore security on our streets, secure our borders, take back our schools, ensure healthcare freedom, and stop funding the very government tyranny undermining our freedom and prosperity.

I ran for Congress to fight the Left and also hold Republicans in Congress accountable to the principles they proclaim on the campaign trail, but too often leave behind when they arrive in Washington. Americans are tired of words. They want action.

We have a lot of hard work ahead, not just in this fall’s General Election, but right now in Congress, addressing the fallout of failed Democrat leadership and the Swamp establishment protecting them.

I will never back down as I remain committed to the cause of liberty, our American way of life, and to serving the people who send me to Washington to represent them. Thank you again and God bless!

For Liberty,
Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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