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John, I wanted you to be one of the first to know that I'm announcing my reelection in the 11th Congressional District. It has been an honor and a privilege to represent the people of Lancaster and York Counties, and I look forward to earning your support once again. - Lloyd
Kick off the reelection with a donation
Smucker Announces 2022 Re-Election
Lloyd Smucker to seek election in the 11th Congressional District
[LANCASTER, PA] With the unanimous endorsement of the York County Republican Committee and Republican Committee of Lancaster County, Congressman Lloyd Smucker announces his intent to seek re-election in the 11th Congressional District representing the people of Lancaster and York Counties.
The State of the Union address last evening draws a clear contrast between ideas for the future of our country and highlights the lack of leadership by Democrat politicians. Over the last year of the Biden Administration, we’ve witnessed failure after failure with historic inflation, a weakened national defense, several foreign policy disasters, an unwillingness to address voter integrity, crisis at the southern border, and lack of preparedness to end the coronavirus pandemic.
56% of Americans now say that the Biden Administration has been a failure.
“This is a fight for the future of our country, and I will continue to fight for the hard-working men and women in PA-11. I am committed to ensuring that our families have the opportunity to achieve the American dream without government strangling their advancement,” Congressman Lloyd Smucker said, “It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the people of the 11th Congressional District. I look forward to fighting for our values in Washington DC.”
As a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Smucker is committed to holding the line on spending, taxes, and entitlements. The American people are fed up, and Congressman Smucker is 100% committed to ensuring we take back the Republican majority in November. It’s time to take the gavel away from Nancy Pelosi and stop the Biden Administration’s disastrous agenda.
“Another Democrat in Congress will be nothing more than a Pelosi pawn who won’t fight for the values of this district. We are confident that the people of York and Lancaster Counties will soundly reject any candidate who wants to align with the disastrous Biden Administration agenda,” said Smucker Campaign Manager, Jenna Geesey.
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902 Columbia Avenue
Lancaster, PA 17603

Paid for by Smucker for Congress.
Contributions to Smucker for Congress are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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