My name is Michael and I am the Campaign’s Deputy Finance Director. My job is to track our fundraising efforts and we have a ways to go to hit our February End of Month goals. I’m still new to the team but I’m already in awe of this community!

With new maps out and 76 days until the election, there’s no time to waste. None of us like asking for money but it’s necessary to run an effective campaign. Donor dollars support the work we do – from mailers to TV ads to digital and on-the-ground outreach.

With only 76 days left, we created a detailed budget to ensure we have what it takes to execute a winning strategy. We are spending down to zero and making use of every penny we have in the door.

That’s why this end of month budget deadline is so critical. I prepared the below tracker so we can all stay on the same page on what we have left to raise. Can we count on you to give to one of the following items?

Canvassing Supplies $1,802 left to raise DONATE
Mailers $7,270 left to raise DONATE
Media (TV) Buy $6,987 left to raise DONATE


Thank you,
Michael Abucewicz
Deputy Finance Director



Clay is running for Congress in the North Carolina. He was born, raised, and is currently raising his son in the Triangle. He's running to use his voice to speak up and stop the loudest voices on the far ends of the political spectrum from sucking up all the oxygen in our political discourse.

Donate now to join the chorus and help send Clay to Congress.


Paid for by Clay Aiken for North Carolina

Clay Aiken for North Carolina
PO Box 13274
Durham, NC 27709
United States

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