My team and I met with a group of campaign experts. They helped us set important benchmarks for our campaign to meet…

Fellow American,

At the beginning of the month, my team and I met with a group of campaign experts. In order to defend my seat and regain a Republican majority in Congress this November, they helped us establish some critical goals for my campaign.

In February, we set out to reach 500 additional grassroots donors. While we’ve made strides towards that number, we’re still 148 donors short, and the last day of the month is tomorrow!

I understand that you may not be in a position to make a large donation today, but can I count on you to chip in $10 for the next 10 months? Your donation today makes a major impact for a campaign like mine, which is made up of smaller, grassroots donations by people like you who care deeply about our country and our freedom, Fellow American.

You can chip in a couple bucks here:

I appreciate your support and help towards meeting our critical objectives.

At the end of the day, we all have the same goal: Take back the House AND our nation from the radical Left.

Every dollar truly helps.

Thank you in advance,
Mike Johnson


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