From Walt <[email protected]>
Subject fwd: a tragic truth
Date February 26, 2022 4:00 PM
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that every Democrat needs to acknowledge…

Hi friendーWalt here.


My team reached out to you because I said something on the floor the other
week. And it’s been making the rounds…
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Friend, I implore you to take a second to listen to this tragic but critical


Use this link to listen to my speech now:
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Did you see this speech Walt gave?


It hits an incredibly important and tragic point that Democrats refuse to
acknowledge about their hypocritical CRT agenda. 
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Friend, Walt isn’t afraid to call out the left on their most radical


While they push things like Critical Race Theory in our schools, they directly
support the system that aborts over a thousand black babies every day!


This is a tragic truth that the left refuses to acknowledge.


This is why we need Walt in the House, because he’s not afraid to say the
things that should’ve been said a long time ago. 


He’ll fight for those who can’t fight for themselves and call out the left for
itーsend him to Congress to do just that >>
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Thank you,

Team Blackman

Paid for by Walt Blackman for Congress

P.O. Box 2250, Snowflake, AZ 85937

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