
Fraud was evident in last year's election. Instead of investigating it, the Democrats are ramming through laws that will help them win in the upcoming elections. 

This comes after four years of the Russia collusion hoax and Nancy Pelosi objecting to the certification of Donald Trump's election in 2016. It’s no wonder Americans no longer trust our electoral system. The Democrats have spent years making it worst. 

There is a problem when half of the country doesn't trust the election results.

Democrats are trying to ram through their election “reform” bill, but we know what it really is. It’s nothing more than an excuse to change the rules, so they win. 

Jack, America needs leaders who keep our elections safe.

I will work towards smart reforms to secure our elections, starting with voter ID and an end to ballot harvesting. Jack, these are the kind of common-sense reforms that will help rebuild trust in our voting process. 

But first, we need to win this election. The odds are stacked against us, so every donation is vital to our success. Please click below to donate today. 

Democrats have failed to protect our elections, and now they only serve their interests.

I am a proud American businessman. I have no interest in becoming a career politician. I believe our elections should serve the interest of the American people, not the political elite.

If we don’t stop the Democrats in 2022, faith in our elections will only get worse! 

The American people should have faith in our electoral system. Your support will help me overcome their election meddling.

Thank you,

Mike Gibbons
