I know we’ve been making a lot of asks recently, but grassroots support from people like you is vital to ensure we run the race the people of Allegheny County deserve.

Hey there, friend!

My team is busy crunching our end-of-month numbers, but I wanted to take a minute to make sure you saw Viola’s email from the other day.

I’ll be honest: The GOP will be funneling a lot of money into this race trying to flip my seat. That’s why it’s so important that we not only meet our February fundraising deadline, but that we start March one step ahead. Can you help put us on the right track?


I know we’ve been making a lot of asks recently, but grassroots support from people like you is vital to ensure we run the race the people of Allegheny County deserve. If you're able, please consider chipping in $5, $10, or whatever you can afford to help me keep fighting for District 38 in Harrisburg.

For your support, your patience, and your role in this campaign, I am incredibly grateful to have you on Team Williams.

Thank you so much, friend.

— Lindsey Williams

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Viola Garis <[email protected]>
Date: Tues, February 22, 2022 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Our most important deadline yet
To: <<[email protected]>>

Friend, we started this month unopposed, but with a new candidate in the race, our district is going to be a battleground. Will you chip in today to help protect Lindsey’s seat in 2022?

Protect Lindsey's Seat →

Lindsey Williams is a fighter. During her time in Harrisburg, she has enacted necessary progress for our workers, our schools, and our LGBTQIA+ friends, family, and neighbors because she cares about the people of Allegheny County. And Lindsey knows that our community deserves better than the partisan games the GOP majority is playing in our capitol.

Protect Lindsey's Seat →

Now that we officially have an opponent, it is paramount that we meet each and every fundraising deadline, from this month right up to Election Night. We’re not just up against another candidate — we’re up against a party that will do everything in their power to maintain a majority in our General Assembly. And right now, we’re behind where we need to be to hit our February fundraising goal.

This month is our most important deadline yet. How much we raise by February 28 will show our opponents just how committed our community is to re-electing Lindsey for another term. We can’t afford to lose our momentum, so I have to ask: Can you rush a contribution and show our opponent that we have people power is on our side?

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.

$10 → $25 →
$50 → $100 →
$250 → Other →

Lindsey Williams will never stop fighting for District 38. Now is the time to show that we’ll keep fighting for her, too.

Thank you for your support, friend. We can’t do this without you.

— Viola Garis

Lindsey Williams for PA
Lindsey Williams for PA
PO Box 97024, Pittsburgh, PA 15229
[email protected]
Donate →
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Paid for by Lindsey Williams for PA