Here’s a great question for America’s transparently leftist “mainstream” media outlets: Do you want to know why the American people don’t respect or t

Fellow American,

Here’s a great question for America’s transparently leftist “mainstream” media outlets: Do you want to know why the American people don’t respect or trust you?

They’re providing a very clear example of it right now, Fellow American. Donald Trump has been vindicated from the allegations brought against him in the bogus “Russian Collusion” scam and big media REFUSES to cover it!

That’s right, Fellow American – Special Prosecutor John Durham, appointed by Trump Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate the origins of the charges against our 45th President, released the information many have suspected for years:

It was Hillary Clinton and her 2016 presidential campaign who hired hackers to break into Trump campaign servers. They were ACTIVELY TRYING to fabricate a FALSE story about President Trump that was used to justify endless investigations, hearings, and negative press against him throughout his historic presidency.

But those same mainstream media networks which spent the entire Trump presidential term endlessly attacking him have now gone silent as the culprit behind their partisan scandal has been revealed.

Fellow American, I think this is completely unacceptable. Will you take my Hillary Clinton Accountability Survey immediately to let me know if you agree?


Fellow American, I think it’s time to send a message to the leftist “news” media water carriers for the Democrats. We saw through their sensationalist, partisan lies back then and we have to call out their silence now. The media has failed us once again and grassroots conservatives are having none of their deception.

With your help, Fellow American, we’re going to prove it at the polls this November when we deal the Nancy Pelosi Democrats in the House a historic defeat that their “Fake News” liberal media allies won’t be able to ignore.

Will you take my Hillary Clinton Accountability Survey before midnight?

For Freedom,
Mike Johnson

P.S.- Washington Democrats will keep spying and lying until they are properly held accountable for their ILLEGAL actions! We must engage now and your voice will help. Thank you for taking our survey!

Mike is a dedicated husband and father of four, as well as a constitutional law attorney who has devoted his life and career to fighting for the fundamental freedoms and traditional values that have always been a priority to the people of Louisiana.


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