Hello, I hope that you’re having a great week! 
Today on the podcast Zach and I announced
Lobby3, a new effort to represent the Web3 community in DC. 
As you know, I want to get rid of poverty.  It was why I launched my presidential campaign and why, when I realized that our political parties were not designed to be effective, I launched a third party to advocate for democracy reform.  Web3 technologies based on the blockchain have already created immense value for millions.  I believe that this new iteration of the Internet could be an enormous tool to combat poverty at scale, and could give rise to a whole new generation of financial services that broaden opportunities in dramatic new ways. 
One of the biggest stumbling blocks to Web3 reaching this potential lies in regulators in DC deciding to opt more for managing risks than fueling innovation and growth.  As it happens, I started an advocacy organization some time ago in D.C. to combat poverty.  So I’ve decided to provide a platform and voice for members of the Web3 community to make the case to our leaders in D.C. that decentralized offerings could benefit everyone.  If this is something you’d like to join us for, go to 
lobby3.io and let’s work on it! 
Also on the podcast this week, Zach and I discuss the trucker convoy in Canada.  Who would have imagined that our neighbors to the north would be dealing with this kind of protest before us?  Those of you who have been keeping up with me for a while know that I’ve been writing and talking about a possible trucker convoy since 2018 in my book ‘The War on Normal People.’  I suggested that it would be in response to the automation of jobs, not vaccination requirements.  Still, it’s a tough sign that some of the scenarios I’d imagined are now coming true. 
OpEd in the Washington Post about the struggles of men and boys continues to make waves.  Morning Joe discussed it on Tuesday and press requests are rolling in.  Next week on the podcast, we’ll talk to Warren Farrell, the author of “The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys are Struggling and What We Can Do About It.”  I’m sure it will be a fascinating convo. 
The problems are clear, but so are at least some of the solutions.  Let’s do all we can to maximize and build on the good things that are happening out there. 
- Andrew
Friday is the livestream premiere of my Forward Tour event in New York City!  You can watch and chat with me live.  Click 
here to join us, it will be a really fun event.  I have very fond memories of that night and will be glad to relive it with you.
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