From Chip Roy <[email protected]>
Subject Alert: AOC is targeting Texas!
Date February 16, 2022 12:57 AM
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Tell AOC: Don't Mess With Texas! ([link removed])
Dear Fellow Conservative,

AOC came down to the Lone Star State last weekend and said "Texas turning blue is inevitable." Let's prove her wrong! ([link removed])

Campaigning for her "squad" recruits, the Socialist said "if we flip Texas, we flip the country."

That's one thing I may agree with her on. Texas truly is the greatest, last defense America has from complete leftwing takeover.

Please, chip in $22 or more right now before our midnight deadline to tell AOC: DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS. ([link removed])
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Leftwing Radical, AOC, was campaigning for liberal Democrats running for Congress in Texas, convinced she can flip it blue.
I'm proud to represent the people of the 21st District of Texas, and I fight everyday to preserve our way of life from the attacks of AOC and her cohorts.

My re-election campaign has an important mid-month election deadline that ends at MIDNIGHT tonight. Can you chip in $22 or more NOW so we can reach our goal? ([link removed])
Urgent DEADLINE >> ([link removed])
Losing Congressional seats is not an option for us in 2022. We must deliver Biden, Pelosi and the Democrats a resounding defeat.

Donate right now, before our Midnight Deadline and tell AOC Texas isn't up for grabs! ([link removed])

For Liberty,
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Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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Donate before our Mid-Month Deadline! ([link removed])

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