A few thoughts from the person who knows Mike the best…

Fellow American,

Most people know Mike Johnson as a Louisiana Congressman, constitutional law attorney, and small business owner – but to our family, he’s husband, dad and role model. migrants and dropping them all over the country?

My name is Kelly Johnson, and I’m Mike’s wife and his number one supporter. We’ve been married almost 24 years now, and I have never known anyone who is more tirelessly committed to serving God, our country, and its people—or who fights as hard for our principles every single day. He was born with that servant’s heart.

I cannot begin to thank you for the role you’ve played to help Mike better serve our nation in Congress. With your support, he is able to help lead the conservative battle against the insane policies of the Democrats in Washington and achieve landmark victories for life, liberty, faith, freedom, and the rule of law.

I am grateful every day that our four beautiful children have such a strong role model and devoted father. But Fellow American – for the next nine months, we are in the greatest fight yet for the heart and soul and direction of our country. As you know, the future that Democrats have envisioned for America is horrifying.

Mike has never needed your support more than in this moment. As he prepares for the fight to keep Louisiana red, can you help him out today?

I’ve seen firsthand what my husband can do for this country, Fellow American, and how everyone looks to him for leadership. Mike is respected for his courage and integrity and trusted for his wisdom and insight. He is honest, principled, smart, and unshakable – and that is precisely what America needs in these times of unprecedented challenge.

Your support of Mike with a donation of $10, $25, $50, $100, or more today is an investment in the critical fight to save this nation, and we can never thank you enough.

Mike understands how to fix Washington, and he needs your help to get it done.

With profound gratitude,

Mike is a dedicated husband and father of four, as well as a constitutional law attorney who has devoted his life and career to fighting for the fundamental freedoms and traditional values that have always been a priority to the people of Louisiana.


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