Fight for 15, local union efforts and more!

🎼 How Atlanta Opera's Union Push
Can Help Workers Nationwide 🎼

Contact to support Atlanta Opera's union efforts: (404)-881-8801, (404) 881-2258, (404) 881-2259

On April 28, 2021, makeup artists and hairstylists working at The Atlanta Opera (TAO) filed with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for a union election, demanding recognition under IATSE Local 798.  Instead of recognizing the union—or even allowing a union election to proceed unobstructed—the Atlanta Opera resorted to a very common practice by employers—claiming to the NLRB that these workers were not really employees, but simply “independent contractors”... [Read more!]


Want to help? Call and tell The Atlanta Opera management below that you support Local 798 and the make-up artists and hair stylists in their struggle to have defined working rules and benefits such as health insurance and annuity!

  • The Board of Trustees Chair | Rhys T. Wilson | (404) 881-8801
  • Tomer Zvulun | Artistic Director | (404) 881-2258
  • Managing Director | Micah Fortson | (404) 881-2259

📝 Reminder - Fight for $15 Canvass this Saturday! 📝 

Midtown Branch members flyering downtown this past Saturday, Feb 5th

Midtown Branch members flyering downtown this past Saturday, Feb 5th

Did you know that nearly half of working Georgians make less that $15 an hour? Meanwhile, the cost of living is skyrocketing and the 1% continue to exploit working people for profit! Enough is enough: working people deserve a living wage!

Join Atlanta DSA's #FightFor15 launch canvass on Saturday 2/12 at 10:00 AM at Brownwood Park! We'll be knocking doors, talking to neighbors about why working Georgians deserve a $15 minimum wage, and sharing resources on workplace organizing.

Please wear a mask and bring a friend. Make sure to download the free MiniVAN canvassing app (Google Play, App Store) ahead of time. Water and snacks will be provided! No experience needed.


🌹 Labor News Roundup! 🌹

image of a starbucks coffee with the order name Union Yes

Workers in Atlanta and around the country are fighting for their rights! Here's a highlight of recent news:


Over 50 Starbucks locations nationwide have filed for official union recognition, including 3 in Atlanta (so far!)

  • Want to support organizing Starbucks workers? Order a coffee with the name Union Yes, snag a photo for social media and tag @atldemsoc in your post using the hashtag #UnionYes!
  • You can also donate to union leaders in Memphis who were fired for trying to organize their store!

👷 President Biden has signed an executive order requiring union labor on federal construction projects costing $35 million or more


📦 Amazon workers in Bessemer, AL are undergoing a second union vote after Amazon was found guilty of tampering with the first election effort


🦀 Lobster workers in Maine formed their own union, marketing co-op, and direct-to-consumer selling platform, as well as lobbying for environmental protections


🎨 Color Designers, Story Artists, Timing Directors and Writers of IATSE have opened a petition for fair wages, and we encourage all our members to sign!


Want to help support labor efforts across Metro Atlanta? Contact the Labor Committee to get involved!


✏️Canvassing 101 Training 📋

illustration of two people talking

Join the Political Education and Electoral Committees Monday Feb. 21st at 6:00 PM for a virtual training on how to canvass! Having political conversations with friends and strangers alike is a core skill that any good organizer should have! At this interactive training, attendees will learn not only how to follow a canvassing rap, but how to use essential tools like VAN, and key tips for planning and setting up effective canvasses!

RSVP for this virtual event at


💕 Happy Valentine's Day from ATL DSA! 💕

a red valentine with a photo of Karl Marx that says
image of a kermit the frog puppet looking lovingly at trains and buses that says

Looking for more?

Our chapter calendar at has even more meetings and events!