Dear Friends of 5 Gyres,

This is a pivotal month in the plastic pollution movement. On February 28, global leaders will meet in Nairobi for the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2). There, they will set the terms to negotiate a global treaty on plastic pollution

Watch the video message below to hear from Lisa, our Director of Science & Innovation, about what's happening and why it matters.
TAKE ACTION: Sign on for a Global Treaty on Plastics
Learn More About UNEA-5.2
Ask a scientist anything! To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Lisa is answering your questions about plastic research, advice for aspiring scientists, and anything else you want to know. Ask your question tomorrow (2/10) on our Instagram page!
Tune in every Tuesday as we release a new episode of Trash Academy. Season 2 explores the different sectors of plastic, and we've already covered durable goods, plastic pellets, electronic waste, microbeads, and tire crumb. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!
ICYMI: More 5 Gyres News
  • There are some new faces on Team 5 Gyres! Lacey Reddix brings her expertise in water resources and environmental engineering as our newest board member, and we have two new staff members: Andra Janieks (Marketing Manager) and Michael Doshi (Science Communications Lead & Engagement Officer). Meet the full team here!
  • Plastic News Roundup is back! Every month, Lisa will break down the top plastic news in our short IGTV video series. Catch the next one on February 28!
  • In celebration of Valentine's Day, we are showing our love to the community with 20% off 5 Gyres merchandise through February 15 (use code LOVE20).
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