Let’s fight together where the battle is fought and won!

The Power of One

How to Fight the Left and Win! Beating Them at the Numbers Game
By Christine Reagan, ACT National Grassroots Director

Grassroots power starts with ordinary, citizens that take the time to contact their representatives to influence policy. 

I run into people very day who ask “what can I do” to help save our country. Perhaps you are asking this question today. 

Every patriot has the power of their voice if they only understood how to use it. We must unite our efforts where REAL IMPACT can be achieved.


Every email, phone call, letter, or other direct point of contact is assumed to represent the views of 1,000 constituents at every level of government. 

These contacts act as a preemptive vote. Every day, staffers tally the Will of the People expressed through your point of contact! 

Regardless of their political party, lawmakers largely decide how to cast their votes based on the best probability of re-election!

A Leftwing Democrat may choose to Abstain from a vote to protect their reelection odds, while also not acting against their party! An Abstain vote should be viewed as a WIN!

Likewise, a soft Republican might be empowered to stick their neck out and fight for your bill, trusting the Grassroots Winds are in their favor!

Mandate Freedom!

The Left understands how this numbers game is played! Sadly, most conservatives are unaware there is a game afoot, and worse yet, too many have given in to despair and the false belief that their voice doesn’t count!

At ACT for America, strategic grassroots action has always been the foundation and core of our purpose and mission. 

Remember, Every Click Counts!

We are the Grassroots Wind Power that determines the direction and the fate of our nation. 

When Benjamin Franklin said, “You have a Republic, if you can keep it”, THIS is what he meant!

Let’s ACT for America! Let’s gather our Grassroots Wind Power, holding back the Left and empowering the Right to ACT NOW™!

ACT for America is Your Mouthpiece!


America Needs You!


ACT For America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We do not receive any government funding or grants so that we are not muzzled from speaking the truth. 

Copyright © 2021. ACT for America,
1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 190, #614
Washington, DC 20004
United States
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