What's going on this week for Atlanta DSA?

📚 Join us TODAY: Capitalism 102 📚

Capitalism 102. Monday, January 24 2022. 6:00PM EST. Sign up at atldsa.org/capitalism102. ATL DSA

Join us for our second discussion workshop on Marx's "Wage Labour and Capital" TODAY January 24, at 6:00 pm. 🌹


Together, we will unpack some fundamental questions about wages, prices, and capitalist exploitation. You can find and read Chapter 6 ("Relation of wage-labour to capital") to the end of Wage Labour and Capital or you can listen to the audio version.


RSVP: atldsa.org/capitalism102 ✏️


🍺 This Weekend! Virtual Eat Drink & Be Marxist 🍺

Eat, Drink and be Marxist. Illustrations of people drinking and conversing.

Feeling cooped up because of Omicron? Join us this Saturday Jan. 29 at 8:00 PM for our first ever virtual Eat, Drink, and Be Marxist event! Grab a drink, pull up your laptop, and come chat and play Jackbox with your comrades! (No mask necessary 😉)

RSVP: atldsa.org/edbm ✏️


💰 Jan. 26th: Introduction to Socialism and Capitalism 💰

Join DSA’s National Political Education Committee on Zoom this Wednesday Jan. 26th at 8:30 PM for a discussion on socialism and capitalism with Hadas Thier and Peter Frase. They'll discuss topics like: What makes socialism a viable alternative to capitalism and what are the pathways to getting there? How would you describe the critical problems with capitalism in just a few sentences? RSVP here!

Eat, Drink and be Marxist. Illustrations of people drinking and conversing.

🎵 Get Musical with Rose Ensemble🎵

Are you a singer or musician? Did you know that Atlanta DSA has a music ensemble? Join the Rose Ensemble  this Saturday Jan. 29 at 2:00 PM at Community Room at the Neighborhood Church in Candler Park (1561 McLendon Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307) for a rehearsal session!

Eat, Drink and be Marxist. Illustrations of people drinking and conversing.

🌹 Jan. 24: Learn how to Organize Your Workplace 🌹

Every day, we hear about another comrade who has organized their workplace, is on a new organizing committee, or has filed for a union election. Many socialists who have been politicized outside the workplace are taking their politics and commitment to organizing back to their workplaces.


Join us for a conversation Monday, January 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM with socialist workplace organizers from the NYC DSA Labor Committee to see what has worked, what hasn’t, how being a socialist informs their approach to organizing, and what the role of DSA has been or could be.


Looking for more?

Our chapter calendar at atldsa.org/calendar has even more meetings and events!