
Last year, outside special interests groups were already lining up to stop us dead in our tracks. Pro-Israel America, a right-wing group affliated with AIPAC, labeled us a “key race of 2022” for them to target.

Then the establishment huddled together, figuring out ways to stop our momentum. The Democratic Party of Illinois tried — and failed — to hamper us by blocking access to their voter data.

But guess what, John? The only thing that can stop us is ourselves.

Will you join our grassroots movement in Illinois’ Eighth by contributing any amount today?

So far:

🚪 Our campaign has been knocking door to door and talking to voters for almost a year.

🌞 We’re getting ready to knock on thousands of doors, rain or shine, over the next few months.

💸 With your support, we’ve become one of the top-funded progressive challengers across the entire nation this cycle.

My opponent and his corporate buddies might have cash, but we have people power. And together, we’re challenging a corrupt system — a system that allows everyday people to suffer while corporations and their politicians get rich — in a real way.

So if you can, please chip in any amount so I can make it to Congress and fight for all of us.

In Solidarity,

Junaid Ahmed


Junaid is a father, husband, community organizer, and longtime Illinoisan running a 100% grassroots campaign to represent Illinois’ 8th District in Congress. He’s fighting to put power back in our hands, end corporate influence in Washington, and pass bold solutions like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and tuition-free public college.



Paid for by Junaid Ahmed for Congress


135 W. Central Road
Schaumburg IL 60195