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Dear Friend,

Advocacy plays a large role in the work we do at Freedom Network USA. It helps us improve the everyday lives of trafficking survivors throughout the country and holds traffickers accountable for their actions. So what are some of the things we advocate for?

Immigrant Rights
Immigrants are at an increased risk of trafficking in the US. Racism, classism, and xenophobia leaves immigrant workers unprotected and vulnerable, and traffickers are ready and waiting to take advantage of them. FNUSA advocates for immigration reforms to reduce vulnerability to trafficking.    

Reproductive Rights 
As we watch more restrictive laws get passed throughout the country, we know it will impact the lives of trafficking survivors. Every human deserves bodily autonomy, especially trafficking survivors, who need to regain full control over their bodies to heal from their trafficking experience.  

Decriminalization of Sex Work
Sex work is a form of work. It can be dangerous, but that is exactly why workers deserve protection instead of prosecution. We believe that criminalizing sex work causes significant harm to both consensual sex workers and sex trafficking survivors. Decriminalization is necessary to decrease the abuse and exploitation that occurs in the sex trade.
Help us advocate!
We have so much more work to do, but we need your help. Consider becoming a monthly donor. A monthly donation will help us fight for policies that prevent trafficking, protect the rights of trafficked persons, and support survivor leadership. 

Help us keep up the fight. Become a monthly donor today!

In partnership,

Jean Bruggeman
Executive Director
Freedom Network USA

P.S. Want to make a one-time donation instead? Click here!
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Freedom Network USA
712 H St NE, Suite 1667
Washington, DC 20002

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