Last week I turned 96 years old. Here’s what I really want for my birthday:
Hey friend, it’s Anne, or Noonie as my grand and great grandchildren call me. I hope you’re enjoying the holidays.

Last week, our family got together to celebrate my 96th birthday.

It’s my party and I’ll have pie if I want to.

For much of the 96 years of my life, my husband and I have been proud Republicans. But the past few years, I’ve learned that it's not about the party you support, but the candidate who is willing to fight for the issues that matter.

That’s why I'm so proud that my granddaughter is running for Congress. You may call it bias, but I call it grandmotherly wisdom. Cora is a passionate advocate for protecting our public lands, supporting our workers and unions, and defending our shared Montana values -- hard work, gratitude, and the importance of caring for one another.

But right now, Cora needs your help:

Can you contribute $3 to help Cora hit her end-of-year fundraising deadline? It would be the best belated birthday present a proud grandmother could ask for.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Cora is a child of Montana through and through. She’s driven by her desire for true fairness and to change the system so it works for all of us, not just the very few at the top.

Cora’s grandfather was a Republican voter his entire life. I know that if he were still here today, he’d be knocking on doors, calling up voters, and saying exactly what I’m saying to you now.

Join me in contributing $3 to send Cora to Congress. Montana deserves a leader who will fight for us all.

Thank you, friend, and have a happy holiday!

Anne Cooper
Cora's Grandmother

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