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As the year is quickly winding down, we are looking ahead to the future. There is a lot we want to do in 2022 to help trafficking survivors. Here’s our wishlist:
  1. Pass the reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act to ensure uninterrupted access to funding for housing, medical and mental health care, and legal representation for survivors.
  2. Support 75 survivors in clearing the criminal records that resulted from their trafficking experience.
  3. Change the narrative around human trafficking so lawmakers focus on real prevention, like stronger worker protections, addressing discrimination, and protecting immigrants.
  4. Train 30 housing programs to provide voluntary, survivor-centered services to trafficking survivors. 
You can help us keep our resolutions. Become a monthly donor.
Being a monthly donor means you'll be supporting the longevity of the network, so we can help survivors next year and for many more years to come. 

It doesn’t take much to help out FNUSA. A little really does go a long way. 
  • $10 a month - Sponsor 4 survivor scholarships to attend virtual professional development trainings 
  • $25 a month - Connect service providers to support so they can learn how to better assist survivors
  • $50 a month - Sponsor 2 survivors to attend our in-person conference as paid speakers and share their experience and expertise with leaders in the movement. 
  • $100 a month - Provide a survivor with legal representation so they can try to clear criminal charges caused by their trafficking experience. 
Help us keep pushing the anti-trafficking movement forward. Become an FNUSA monthly donor today!

With gratitude,

Amanda Norwood
Operations Specialist
Freedom Network USA

P.S. Can’t give a monthly donation at this time? You can still help by giving a one-time donation. Every dollar is greatly appreciated!
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