From Matt de Ferranti <[email protected]>
Subject Monthly Board Email Delay: Tomorrow is election day--what can we each do to finish the fight? Vote and Volunteer
Date November 4, 2019 4:11 PM
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With Cheryl Roessel after canvassing yesterday.

I'll get back to you Wednesday with the County Board's monthly meeting summary. Tomorrow's election is the right focus for today and tomorrow:

Tomorrow Arlington and Virginia will vote and have the opportunity to define the narrative for 2020's Presidential election. We can make history. We simply must vote tomorrow if we have not and then do all we can to win here in Arlington and flip the Virginia Legislature.
To do so, we must walk and chew gum at the same time, as President Obama says. We must both poll greet and/or canvass here and be sure we are doing all we can to win in swing districts nearby.
Click here to Poll Greet for Christian and Katie and the Whole Ticket ([link removed])
Many of you have been out in Richmond or Virginia Beach. I will be in Loudon for part of the day tomorrow because I truly believe we can make a marginal difference there for Wendy Gooditis. Two other races where we can help and be back by 745 or 8 for the watch parties: Dan Helmer and Hala Ayala's. The important results won't come in until 8 anyway. To help Wendy or Dan, click below and enter Loudon County or Fairfax County. To help Hala, go to
Click to take a shift for Wendy Gooditis or Dan Helmer ()
It is natural to want to celebrate before the end of election day. But, we all know nothing is inevitable.(Think 2016 and the 1 vote we did not get in 2017.) If you are going to be here tomorrow afternoon, please help Christian, Katie and Parisa by poll greeting through 7 pm. I will be poll greeting in the morning because I truly might not have the chance to serve without poll greeters. It is so important that we have a volunteer at each poll to help our Democratic candidates.

What we do over the next 33 hours until 730 on Tuesday night will define the 2020 election and determine our memories for the next 6 months, at least. Let's do all we can to make sure we deliver for the ideals, Arlington and Virginia we want.

And, let's make sure we get the 1 more vote we need, this time.


** Matt4Arlington ([link removed])
** Matt for Arlington ([link removed])
** Matt for County Board ([link removed])
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