
Dear Friend,


We hope that you enjoyed reading the first part of our newsletter!


As we draw closer to the end of the year, we’d like to share highlights of our domestic worker, health, nail salon, and youth programs in the recent quarter.


This work is made possible by your support to uplift our work. Your donation helps Adhikaar meet the challenges of today and work to build a system that works for all of us.


Domestic Worker and Anti-labor Trafficking Program Highlights


Human Rights WIN For All NYC Domestic Workers

At the end of July we made history in NYC! After a three year campaign, Intro 339 passed in the NYC Council with 41 votes. This bill expands the city human rights law to protect domestic workers against discrimination. Over the last three years our member leaders and staff worked with our partners and legislative champions to birth this bill, introduce it and push it over the finish line as part of a fully member-led campaign. Thanks to our members who gave their time to attend coalition and Adhikaar meetings, shared their stories, participated in the process and showcased their knowledge and leadership. Thanks also to the leadership of Councilmember Deborah Rose and the partnership of our NYC Care coalition. Throughout this process, our members showed that domestic workers are essential and deserve equal protections as any workers.


Anti-Labor Trafficking Survivors Take Power To Action


Currently there are 25 survivors in our anti-labor trafficking program where members receive legal support, social-emotional support, English language classes, training and other services.  In September, eight trafficking survivors completed a three part train-the-trainer training. The first two parts were conducted by Safe Horizon with Nepali interpretation by Adhikaar, and the third part was conducted fully in Nepali by our Director of Programs and Organizing Narbada Chhetri.


In September Adhikaar rescued a survivor who was in bonded labor and had not been paid for two years. We provided socio-emotional, financial and legal support. One of our staff helped her with housing and another survivor from our program helped her get a job and taught her how to navigate the subway. She started joining the monthly survivors meeting at Adhikaar. As our survivors group grows, members open up to each other about their struggles and share their stories to let our new member know that she was not alone.


Members Leading Members

At Adhikaar, we take pride in being a member-led organization. Our focus in all programs is to grow our member’s leadership skills by providing them with skills to become peer educators.


In August, five member leaders Induka Karki, Debu Lama, Indira Kumari Khadka, Mohini Karmacharya, Punyawati Ramtel completed the second facilitator training with the Cornell Institute of Labor Studies to become facilitators for our coveted “We Rise” nanny training. Our long-term trainer Sarita Gurung also became a lead trainer.


Our member leaders Dhana Thapa and Sunita Hamal became lead facilitators and started the seventeen-part training from the National Domestic Workers Alliance called  “We Make History”. Through this training, members will learn the history of the domestic worker profession and movements, including the revolutionary changes since the time of slavery.


In New Jersey, we attended a strategic planning meeting with our NJ Domestic Workers Coalition to push our statewide Domestic Workers Bill of Rights forward. Our members were briefed and they provided feedback on what they would like to see in the upcoming power mapping session.


Health Care Program Highlights


In this quarter, we provided direct support with state health insurance enrollment and one-on-one inquiries with 180+ individuals and families. Adhikaar was also awarded the NYC Care grant and started educating the community about free primary care options for individuals regardless of their immigration status.

In our effort to maintain the health and safety of our community, we are raising awareness on the COVID-19 vaccine and addressing vaccine hesitancy with our members. Please call Adhikaar at (718) 937-1117 if you have any questions related to vaccine or health insurance.


Nail Salon Program Highlights


In September, our Nail Salon program staff with our national partner the California Collaborative trained new organizing staff within the National Nail Salon Organizing Alliance on base building among nail salon workers. Our Senior Organizer Pabitra Dash led a training on effective outreach, follow up and engagement from direct services to organizing.


At the end of August, Nail Salon member leaders and trainers Goma Yonjan Gurung, Rajeshwori Nakarmi, and Maya Bhusal Basnet attended a day-long retreat at Adhikaar to review our work from the past year, reflect on changes to our member training needs as well as their own development as leader trainers. The group also discussed how they as steering committee leaders of the Nail Salon Workers Association can both mobilize and advocate for industrial change, while providing quality workforce development for members through the NYCOSH licensing course at Adhikaar.

This quarter we worked with Business Outreach Center to assist 12 nail salon employers  in applying for the Queens Storefront Grant fund. These businesses received almost $25k total in grants. Our small business support is a part of our high road program, to develop worker-turned-owners into model employers to raise standards among their peers to benefit workers and all within the salon.


As salons reopen, members continue to need licensing support and study sessions to help with their licensing exams. Through weekly meetings, we held study sessions for 300+ members this past quarter and provided one-on-one and state licensing support to 440+ members.


Organization-Wide Highlights


Adhikaar in the News