Taxation Is Theft Taxation Is Theft
The day has come!

This wasn't an easy decision.

First, I want to thank you for all of your support over the years.

I was excited to run for Governor of Texas, and I really wanted to run an amazing campaign. Leadership in LP Texas has made is clear that they will do nothing to support candidates and activists spreading their message. LP Texas will continue to do things the old way, which has never gotten them more than single digit votes in a major election.

I am not interested in championing a victory in the primary. I want to see a world set free in our lifetime. I feel that trying to achieve this in a party when the party is actively working against its own candidates, is a losing proposition.

Running for their nomination has demanded that I put energy into a bureaucratic process that demands that I pander to libertarians who already believe in freedom. This does nothing to make us more free. This energy is better spent introducing new people to ideas of freedom.

I have left some Texas Libertarians with ideas to fix these problems, and I wish them success.

We don't have time to waste.

I'm not going away. I am shifting my focus back onto other projects that can do more to manifest a world set free in our lifetime. I will continue my activism, I will continue to spread liberty, and I will continue to support candidates who are doing the same.

We will win.

We will be free.

I'll see you in Reno.


In Liberty,

Dan Taxation Is Theft Behrman

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