Donate to our Housing for All Winter Clothing Drive!

Donate to our Housing for All Winter Clothing Drive! 

Graphic with information on Housing for All Winter Clothing Drive

We’re collecting winter coats and other items to distribute downtown to support unhoused Atlantans. Items needed include: Jackets, Coats, Blankets, Socks, Shoes, PPE (Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Gloves), Hygiene Products (Soap, Tampons, Sanitary Napkins, Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Deodorant, Wipes, etc.)


To coordinate your donation, please contact 404-207-7036 or email [email protected]

🍻 Eat, Drink, and Be Marxist 🍻

Join us at our in-person socialist social Saturday, December 11 at the Georgia Beer Garden at 8 PM. Come for drinks and conversation! We'll provide free pizza as well. Enjoy comradeship and a brew with DSA and friends!

Since COVID is still a risk, we ask that you only attend if you're fully vaccinated. We'll be meeting up in the back garden area!


Have you submitted to the Red Clay Comrade?

Atlanta DSAers join workers at the John Deere picket line in McDonough, GA on Sunday, Oct 24

The Red Clay Comrade needs you! Submit your article pitch below and be a part of building the written voice of the movement. Also, you get major cool points!


What you missed on #seize-the-memes


Atlanta DSA Member Survey

Trying to find your place in the chapter? Whether you have 1 hour a week or 1 hour a day for DSA, take our member survey to get plugged in!