We hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, friend.

Today is Giving Tuesday, so rather than ask for a contribution to our campaign this morning, Team Cora is raising funds to support families in need.

Will you send in a donation to the Montana Food Bank Network?
Donate to the Montana
Food Bank Network »

Between the pandemic and the rise in homelessness, putting food on the table has been a struggle for many of our neighbors -- especially this holiday season.

The absence of affordable housing also means grocery shelves are left unstocked and restaurants are forced to operate at reduced hours because workers have nowhere to live. Montanans see this everyday, but folks who visit from out of state might not always make the connection.

The need in Montana is massive, and the good news is that organizations like the Montana Food Bank Network deliver food to tens of thousands of food insecure families each year.

If you’re in a position to give today, we hope you'll consider a contribution to the Montana Food Bank Network.

Thanks friend, and Happy Holidays.

Team Cora

Donate to the Montana Food Bank Network »