Taxation Is Theft

I've talked plenty about a bold new strategy - a way to do things differently that can surpass anything we've ever seen before from a third party candidate. There are many, but today I want to show you one.

Rent Free America is an organization I started earlier this year. Its goal is to teach financial literacy and start getting people on track to owning their homes instead of wasting their money on rent. This was inspired by the problems created by covid. When everyone started getting stay home orders which was cutting into paychecks and leaving millions unable to make rent, it was obvious that booming Trump economy was not only temporary, but had only made people more confident in living paycheck to paycheck.

If you're reading this email, you probably know the government can take your house if you don't pay your property tax. What we are really fighting for is a human right to own property, debt free, and eliminate the possibility of it being taken away from us. And that's great for hone owners, but we need more support. How can we help renters in the same way? A large percent of rent, up to 40% is property tax. Imagine a home owner eliminating their property tax and passing the savings down to his renter. We now have a win-win between the left and the right, where rents are reduced by 40% and property taxes are eliminated.

On top of that, all living expenses should be tax deductible, and we are going to fight for the IRS to leave everyone's paycheck alone. That's all money that can be used to save and invest in a home, so Texans can live rent-free.

What's great about these policies is we offering something more tangible than just freedom. Our success can be measured, not by how many vote, but by how far we can change the course of public conversation. This means people are not afraid to waste their donations, which means we have more support, which ultimately means our success will be greater.

We have a lot of work to do and I can't do it without your support. Please donate today. We are still working towards our goal of $10,000 by December 10th.

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I can't wait to share new freedom and prosperity with you in Texas next year!

In Liberty

Dan Behrman

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