Taxation Is Theft

It's cliche now, but it's still true. You can't continue to do the same thing and expect different results.

Certain high ranking members of the Texas Libertarian Party have made it clear that they don't want me to run. They want Mark Tippetts to have the nomination.

Mark is a great guy. But he had the nomination last time and didn't do well. What is he going to do different this time? Nobody knows.

What can I do differently? Over the past few years I have been working diligently on effective messaging. I have tested what works with voters outside of the Libertarian circle.

See, most libertarians will talk about the 40% of Americans who don't vote, as if it's possible to get them to all come out and vote libertarian. That strategy doesn't work. Instead, we know democrats and republicans love voting. If we can just grab their attention long enough to vote for us, we can win.

This is absolutely possible. In fact, within the last few years I have collected the support of Democrats and Republicans - far left to far right. The solution is simple. Libertarianism is good for everyone. We just need to communicate how it benefits different people.

This strategy works, and with it, we can really deal some significant damage to the two party system.

Are you ready to support a candidate that has a real strategy to take on the two party system? If you are, donate today.

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I can't wait to share new freedom and prosperity with you in Texas next year!

In Liberty

Dan Behrman

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