November 2021 News & Updates
Message from Rep. Kristin Boggs
At the Statehouse, we are still working on drawing new, fair congressional districts. Because the Redistricting Commission failed to pass a bipartisan, 10-year map by Oct. 31, the responsibility for redistricting has gone back to the General Assembly. The legislature can now either pass a bipartisan 10-year map or a short-term partisan map by Nov. 30.
Ohioans and Democrats still want to see a bipartisan, 10-year map that keeps our communities together and reflects the preferences of Ohio’s voters. Fair districts means districts that do not have undue, unfair favoring of one party, and keep large cities together so Ohioans who live and work together can get the representation they deserve.
With fair districts, we can fund our schools fairly, create good paying jobs, and stop pushing through extremist legislation that does nothing but divide us.
To learn more about the redistricting process or to get involved, visit
If you have questions or comments about the redistricting process, please feel free to reach out to my office at [email protected] or 614-466-1896
I work for you.

In The Media
Last week, Rep. Boggs was featured in an NBC4 interview where she discussed the dangers of Republicans’ anti-vaccine bills, even if they do not end up becoming law. “It gives them this air space to rally behind these very dangerous ideas… We’re going to continue to see these bills come from that group of individuals I think throughout the rest of the GA,” said Rep. Boggs.

You can find the rest of the interview here.
Rep. Boggs' bill, HB 199 was highlighted in the Ohio Capital Journal. Rep. Boggs spoke about her efforts to remove caps on damages for survivors of sexual violence, “My god, give these victims access to justice.”

You can read more of the article here.
Sanfilippo Syndrome Awareness Day
In December 2020, the Ohio Legislature passed HB 32 which included a provision to designate November 16th, Sanfilippo Syndrome Awareness Day. This bill went into effect in April 2021.

Today, November 16th, is the first Sanfilippo Syndrome Awareness Day in Ohio.  The purpose is to spread awareness about Sanfilippo Syndrome, a rare, terminal disease few have heard of. The symptoms have been described as comparable to Alzheimer’s disease, except in children. This special day honors children living with Sanfilippo Syndrome today, and those who have passed away. It also honors the families of these precious children. 

Oliver Kelly in Columbus, Ohio, is one of these special children living with Sanfilippo Syndrome. Oliver's parents, Brian and Jennifer, shared more about the Cure Sanfilippo Foundation, "Cure Sanfilippo Foundation is focused on action towards a cure... One day, this will be a newborn screen and a treatment, as needed. We want this to be today. There's been so much progress, and there's so much hope. We want our sweet Oliver to dance at his prom, to walk at his graduation, and to travel to see all the beauty of the world." Read more about Oliver's story here.

Find out ways you can help at
Aisha’s Law, legislation to protect those at risk of domestic violence, overwhelmingly passes Ohio House
Last month, House Bill (HB) 3, better known as Aisha’s Law, passed out of the Ohio House. Aisha’s Law would improve how law enforcement agencies respond to domestic violence cases and provides added protections for those in high-risk situations.
HB 3 was initially unveiled as bipartisan priority legislation in the 133rd General Assembly, and was passed by the Ohio House on May 20, 2020. Aisha’s Law is named after Aisha Fraser, who was brutally killed on Nov. 17, 2018 by her ex-husband Lance Mason following years of domestic violence.

Aisha’s Law would:
  • Expand the definition of “domestic violence” to include strangulation;
  • Create a new temporary emergency protection order that an individual can request outside of the court’s normal business hours;
  • Require police agencies to adopt rules and procedures for law enforcement officers to screen victims of domestic violence using an evidence-based lethality assessment screening tool to determine if the case should be referred to local or regional domestic violence advocacy services;
  • Require the Ohio Attorney General to adopt rules to require every peace officer and trooper who handles domestic violence complaints to complete biennial professional training that includes, among other items, the referral of high risk victims to a local or regional domestic violence advocacy service;
  • Require law enforcement to inform victims of an alleged strangulation the medical dangers of strangulation and urge them to seek medical attention;
  • Increase domestic violence circumstances to the offense of aggravated murder;
  • Request the Ohio Supreme Court review the Ohio Rules of Evidence to consider how the Rules may better aid victims of domestic violence without diminishing the fundamental fairness to alleged perpetrators of domestic violence;
  • Create the Domestic Violence Drop Policy Study Committee to examine policies to protect domestic violence victims throughout the judicial process;
  • Allocates $150,000 to the Police Officers’ Training Academy Fee for the purpose of training police officers on how to respond to domestic violence calls.
Aisha’s Law now heads to the Senate for further consideration.
If you are a survivor of domestic violence looking for resources and referrals in Ohio, you can visit or call 614-781-9651.
If you are in an emergency, call the 24/7 National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233.
Small Business Saturday
With many small businesses still working towards recovering from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, make sure to help your community by supporting a small business this Small Business Saturday (Nov. 27).
Small businesses make up the backbone of Ohio’s economy, comprising roughly 98% of all Ohio businesses and employing half of the state’s private-sector workforce. In addition, Columbus is ranked in the top 30 cities for minority entrepreneurs, along with being in the top 20 best US cities for startups. Our city is proud to be a leader in innovation and entrepreneurship.
If you are a small business owner looking for resources, visit