From Juan Rodriguez, <[email protected]>
Subject Memo from the Campaign Manager’s desk about Kamala Harris campaign restructuring
Date October 30, 2019 9:13 PM
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I wanted to be sure you heard this from me directly.

At the bottom of this email is a memo about the reorganization of our
campaign, and I invite you to read it in full. But here’s the gist:

We’ve got less than 100 days until Iowa. If we’re going to have a fighting
chance in this race, we need to reduce expenditures, realign our
resources, and raise more money.

I don’t share this with you to scare you -- and no, this is not a gimmick.
These are the real consequences of the fundraising challenges we’re facing
in a primary race that’s this crowded.

I share this with you today because this is your campaign. From the day we
launched our campaign back in Oakland to now, you’ve built this campaign
from the ground up.

All of what we’ve achieved so far was made possible because hundreds of
thousands of grassroots
supporters like you
have contributed a few dollars at a time.

Because you stepped up to organize your own communities, bring new people
into the fold, and fight for the future of our democracy.

We need you again today. If you believe in Kamala, I’m asking you
directly: rush your
first donation to our campaign to help us »

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You joined this fight because you believed in our mission, in our values,
and in Kamala Harris.

We know that other candidates in this race have threatened to drop out if
they don’t hit fundraising goals. We’re not going to do that. We’re just
going to be transparent and honest. And right now, our #1 priority is
putting us on a path to be successful in Iowa and win the nomination.

The stakes of this election are too high for us to back down. America
needs real change, and real leadership. We need to elect Kamala Harris.
And I believe in the very fiber of my being that she can win this race.

There is a pathway to victory, and we know Kamala will pull this off.
But we’ll only get there with your support.

Thank you,

— Juan

Juan Rodriguez
Campaign Manager
Kamala 2020


TO: Kamala Harris for the People Team, Supporters, & Interested Parties
FROM: Juan Rodriguez, Campaign Manager
MEMO: Next Steps & Organization Realignment


With fewer than 100 days until the Iowa Caucus and in a competitive
resources environment, we are implementing an organizational realignment
to go all-in on Iowa.

Since the launch of the campaign, Kamala Harris and this team has raised
more than $35 million from over 350,000 donors, with an average
contribution of $34. We ended the last quarter with the fourth most cash
on hand, and continue to receive endorsements and grassroots support
across the country. However, in a field of 18 candidates, we face an
incredibly competitive resource environment. To effectively compete with
the top campaigns and make the necessary investments in the critical final
100 days to the caucus, we need to reduce expenditures elsewhere and
realign resources.

From the beginning of this campaign, Kamala Harris and this team set out
with one goal - to win the nomination and defeat Donald Trump in 2020.
This requires us to make difficult strategic decisions and make clear
priorities, not threaten to drop out or deploy gimmicks. Plenty of winning
primary campaigns, like John Kerry’s in 2004 and John McCain’s in 2008,
have had to make tough choices on their way to the nomination, and this is
no different.

* Reduction in HQ expenditures to bolster Iowa investments: First, to
reduce campaign expenditures, I will take a pay cut along with all
consultants, we will trim and renegotiate contracts, and we will also
reduce the size of our headquarters staff. These decisions are
difficult but will ensure the campaign is positioned to execute a
robust Iowa ground game and a minimum 7-figure paid media campaign in
the weeks leading up to the caucus.

* Deployment of staff to Iowa: Second, in the coming weeks, we will
deploy many field staff from New Hampshire, Nevada, and California and
some staff from headquarters to Iowa for the home stretch of the
caucus campaign. The South Carolina operation will remain in full
force and will not change. These moves will increase the number of
field organizers and staff we have on the ground in the first contest
and give our campaign the organizational muscle needed to compete in
every precinct.

* Kamala all-in on Iowa: In the month of October, no candidate spent
more time in Iowa than Kamala -- she made 5 trips and spent 15 days in
the Hawkeye State -- about 10 more days than any other candidate. In
November, she will continue to spend significant time in Iowa,
including spending Thanksgiving there, to meet caucus goers at town
halls and in coffee shops, on farms and at dining room tables. She is
determined to earn the support of every caucus goer she can in the
next 96 days.


P.S. We have just 36 hours left until we close the books on our October
new donor
goal. I know we can win, but we need supporters like you who believe in
Kamala to step up and make their first donation
today. We can do this, but we need you on the team. [ [link removed] ]Donate
now »

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