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There is so much about turkeys to love and so many reasons we should leave turkeys off our holiday tables. 

Did you know that turkeys can run at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour and fly as fast as 55 miles per hour? 

Yet when trapped in the animal agriculture system, they are not able to move freely, crowded together in dark sheds.

Sadly, nearly 230 million are slaughtered each year — around 46 million for Thanksgiving alone.

Turkeys farmed for meat are subjected to torment their entire lives. It's cruel - these sentient beings deserve happy, healthy lives of freedom. 

Watch our short video and see just how smart, playful and social turkeys can be. 

Animal Outlook Wins Prestigious IVFF Award 
Our short film by Jonathan Rosenberry, "The Story of Two Vegan Bodybuilders," was featured in this year's International Vegan Film Festival and WON best film in the Health and Nutrition category. Said one of the judges, This is great at dismantling common misunderstandings about not building muscle on a plant-based diet.”

See all the festival winners here, and don't miss the virtual festival, which has been extended through Sunday, November 14.

Cruelty-Free Thanksgiving 
Our friends at VegNews compiled an amazing list of yummy vegan recipes perfect for Thanksgiving and other winter holidays. Featuring vegan, gluten free pecan pie, stuffed squash roast with cranberry sauce and all the side dishes you could ever want. Check out their compilation here.

What Really Happens To Turkeys

In 2015, an Animal Outlook investigator documented shocking horrors forced upon baby birds—from painful mutilations to being ground up alive—inside a Foster Farms turkey hatchery in Fresno, California. 

Our video uncovered abuse to day-old turkeys at Foster Farms, the company that was slated to provide the 2015 Presidential Turkey. View our full investigation.

View our other turkey investigations on our website.

Denny's Now Exploring Vegan Options 

Denny's is now exploring adding vegan breakfast options to its menus. The nearly 60-year-old diner chain is looking to expand its selection of plant-based options to keep up with the times. After adding the Beyond Burger to its menu, Denny’s is looking to add more plant-based protein options for the ultimate vegan breakfast of champions. Read more here.

NYU Helping Policymakers 

NYU has released a new toolkit for policymakers, "Towards Plant-Forward Diets," that aims to provide ideas to cities that they can use in thinking about how to encourage a transition away from meat consumption. Congrats to our Senior Director of Legal Advocacy Piper Hoffman for her role in helping to produce this. View the kit here.
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
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