From Team Kamala <[email protected]>
Subject Fwd: This is a long email. I hope you will read it.
Date October 29, 2019 1:13 AM
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Did you see Kamala’s email this morning? She shared an important story about hope,
our mission in this election, and everyone’s own ability to make change.

Read Kamala’s note below, and consider pitching in
your first donation
to our campaign right now. Any amount you can contribute before our
crucial end-of-month deadline will make a difference:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your
donation will go through immediately:

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $10 now

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[ [link removed] ]Chip in $250 now

[ [link removed] ]Another Amount


Original message from Kamala Harris, Oct‌ober 2‌8, 20‌19

You guessed it: in this email, I’m going to ask you to make
your first
contribution to our campaign for president before the upcoming
end-of-month fundraising deadline. But first, I hope you’ll let me explain
why your gift matters so much in this moment.

What happens in the 98 days between now and the Iowa caucuses matters
tremendously to the viability of our campaign.

As you’ve seen in the news, many of our opponents are out-raising us by
tens of millions of dollars. The polls are fluctuating daily, but most of
them show us tailing some of our opponents. And, as my team and I have
shared, grassroots contributions to our campaign have slowed this month.

I’m not sharing this
to scare you. I’m sharing this because I believe in speaking truth and
being transparent with our supporters.

The polls are going to fluctuate. Our opponents will probably continue to
out-raise us -- I mean one of them is even talking about getting a super
PAC. And all this news might make you start losing hope in what we can
achieve in this election.

I’m asking you to do something radical: I’m asking you to believe.

If you’ll indulge me, I have a short story to share about hope. The night
before the Iowa caucuses in 2007, I went to a senior home in Des Moines
and I started knocking on doors, reminding folks to head out and caucus.

At one of the doors, a lady answered -- a petite Black woman well into her
80’s. I started talking to her about Barack Obama, and she looked at me
with a straight face and said, “They're not gonna let him win.”

As I looked back at her, I thought about what her 80+ years of life had
required her to endure and witness. All the injustices she had
experienced. All of the indignities. And that night, she was holding on to
her dignity. She was not about to endure another disappointment.

I stayed and talked with her, she talked more with me. Guess who showed up
in Barack Obama’s corner the next night at the caucus? And he won.

I share this to remind you that, when we believe in our own ability to
make change, in our ability to do what has never been done before, we can
achieve anything.

If you’re with me in this, I need you to believe -- because there’s a lot
of work to be done, and we could really use your help. If you’re able,
please consider pitching in your
first donation to our campaign right now -- whatever
amount is meaningful and possible for you.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your
donation will go through immediately:

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $10 now

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $25 now

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $50 now

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $100 now

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $250 now

[ [link removed] ]Another Amount

If you’re still reading this, thank you for taking the time. I know you’re
here because you believe our democracy is worth fighting for -- and
this is a fight we
will win.

For The People,

— Kamala Harris

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