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"Happy" Farms of Horror
Land O’Fakes: How the false narrative of the happy farm hides the truth about animal agriculture’s impact on the planet

Picture a farm as it might be portrayed in a television commercial. A red barn. Perhaps a rolling hill with cows, pigs and chickens dotting the landscape, each one idly enjoying the sunshine and green grass. The subtext of these images is clear: This is a peaceful, happy place. It won’t come as any surprise to hear that for years, Animal Outlook has been pulling back the curtain on this false narrative. The truth is that American farms are far from peaceful. Today’s animal agriculture facilities are places of cruelty, abuse and sometimes criminal acts. Whether it’s at a dairy farm, a chicken hatchery or an aquaculture facility, the stories are heartbreaking and tragic. 

But the suffering caused by this industry is not limited to the animals trapped on these farms. In fact, animal agriculture is responsible for not only the suffering of cows, pigs and chickens, but for more than 24,000 endangered species worldwide. How? 

Click here to learn more about the way animal products negatively impact the planet and how plant-based foods have much less of a negative climate impact.

Watch our video on "humanewashing," which breaks down the widespread marketing tactics designed to deceive us into believing that meat, egg and dairy companies care about the welfare of farmed animals far more than they actually do. 

More Vegan Nutella? Yes Please.

Noah Schnapp, the "Stranger Things" actor, partnered with Umana Venture Studios about two years ago after getting the idea for plant-based Nutella.

Schnapp was especially focused on creating a palm oil-free hazelnut chocolate spread after learning about how palm oil is leading to catastrophic deforestation and wildlife habitat destruction.

 The vegan Nutella spread is entirely plant-based and contains 50% less sugar than the original. It also comes in 100% recycled packaging. Check it out here.

Friday, Oct. 29 - VWS Pathfinder Discount Code

Vegan Women Summit is gearing up for VWS Pathfinder this Friday, October 29, 2021, and they've given Animal Outlook a discount code to share with our members and supporters (code below). Don't miss the world's only women-founder summit and pitch competition dedicated to plant-based and animal-free innovation. Enjoy a full day of CEO panels, founder chats and informational sessions to learn about the future of animal alternatives across food, fashion, beauty, biotechnology and more. Register and learn more.

Use code JOINMEVWS for 15% off.

Pumpkin Spice Crisp Rice Treats

Fall is officially here, and obsession with all things pumpkin is in full swing. Dandies — purveyor of fabulous vegan marshmallows — makes a seasonal pumpkin spice ‘mallow. When used to make a vegan version of the iconic crispy rice treat, the end result is pure pumpkin-palooza! Give this pumpkin spice recipe a try - we think it's perfect.

October is Vegetarian Month

Animal Outlook's Executive Director Cheryl Leahy appeared on 97.1 DC FM with Jenni Chase to talk about Animal Outlook's work exposing animal cruelty and, in honor of October being Vegetarian Month, how to embrace a plant-based diet. Listen to the interview here.

As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
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