Friends, for just a moment I want you to think about where we were as a state back in 2015. Louisiana was facing a massive budget deficit. We'd cut investment in higher education more than any other state. Folks were hurting for jobs and for health care. And we were running a longshot campaign to try and change all of that. Thanks to the support and hard work of folks like you, we did just that.

This has been an incredible journey, and I've been so thankful to have you with me. We've come so far and made a lot of progress together. Politics can be a rough business -- with attacks coming from all sides. But it's supporters like you who remind me and my dedicated staff why we do this: because this state deserves a government who will always put Louisiana first. 

Now, friends, we're heading into the final days of October and my team has set an ambitious grassroots fundraising goal. Hitting this goal will allow us to deploy the resources we need to win this runoff election. To stay on track, we need to raise $5,000 by midnight tonight. Will you give $5 before midnight to ensure we finish the month strong?

We have a lot planned for our second term -- expanding equal pay, continuing to improve our health care system and so much more. But we can't do any of that -- and we won't protect the progress we've made -- unless we win this election. Thank you for helping us finish the job. 


Governor John Bel Edwards