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Dr. Paul Gosar
Dear Fellow Patriot,

The Biden Regime wants to give the IRS power to track every transaction in every bank account with $600 in it. 

It is yet another massive invasion of privacy by the Deep State. 

We know the NSA is already tracking all of our digital communications.

The FBI is rabidly partisan and wants to declare all Trump supporters "domestic terrorists."  

The Deep State has eroded our right to privacy enough, and I've had it with these illegal, intrusive and degrading schemes

I'm fighting like hell against this corrupt administration, and the out-of-control alphabet agencies, and I need your support more than ever

I'm trying to stop the dam from breaking before the 2022 midterms, so we can take back the U.S. House and Senate and return to real checks and balances in Washington. 

Unfortunately, Fellow Patriot, there are only a few other members of Congress fighting alongside me. 

Many RINOs in the GOP are fine with the surveillance state's newest power grab. 

Communist Democrats love it. They want to control every aspect of your life. 

Now more than ever, we must stay strong and fight together against these tyrants. 

By contributing generously to my reelection campaign today, you're letting me know you have my back against the massive illegal surveillance state.

Just think of what the Deep State could do with access to your bank accounts. 

They could track every purchase you make, including purchases of firearms

That would create a de facto database of gun owners for the federal government. 

The IRS is an irredeemably corrupt agency that already has a history of targeting conservative groups. 

They refused tax-exempt statuses to Tea Party groups just 10 years ago. 

Why should be believe they won't use this new power to harass and punish conservatives? 

We shouldn't...

...and I need your support today so I can keep fighting back against the Deep State's overreach here in Washington.

A contribution of $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, or any other amount will go a long way in helping me battle the Biden Regime's reign of tyranny

Thank you in advance for helping battle this massive federal government overreach. 

 For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. The Biden Regime is making another monstrous power grab. 

It wants to track every purchase you make from your bank account. 

Chip into my reelection campaign today to fight back against the latest Biden Regime tyranny.



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