From <[email protected]>
Subject Update: Zinke gets the nod from National Republicans
Date October 12, 2021 11:38 PM
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MT-02 Update: GOP frontrunner Ryan Zinke has been added to the national Republicans' 'Young Guns' program and is poised to receive additional DC-based financial backing in his bid for Congress.

 Chip in a contribution of $3 to stop Zinke and boost Cora Neumann's bid in MT-02.

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Friend, if there was any doubt that Kevin McCarthy and the National GOP were backing Ryan Zinke, this news should put that to rest.

First Ryan Zinke was endorsed by Donald Trump. Now, the GOP has all but made their endorsement official by listing Zinke to their 'Young Guns' program. He will now receive additional financial support from DC insiders in his bid for this seat.

We think it's shameful they'd handpick a guy who was forced to resign as Interior Secretary due to alleged corruption and ethics violations. But this goes to show just how seriously they are taking this race. MT-02 could end up becoming one of the most competitive House races in the country.

Will you join the thousands of Montanans who are fired up to defeat Ryan Zinke and his new special interest allies by chipping in $3 today? We can't let our community fall to bad actors who don't have our best interests at heart.

Chip in >> [link removed]

Cora's campaign represents our best shot at electing a Democrat to make progress for working families in Montana. But early resources to push back against Zinke's new special interest allies will be crucial.

Thanks in advance for anything you can do,

Team Cora

Contribute » [link removed]

Cora Neumann is a public health and economic development expert running for Congress in Montana's newly-created 2nd Congressional District.

To learn more about Cora, visit her website here: [link removed]

Consider supporting Cora's campaign by making a grassroots contribution here: [link removed]

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Paid for by Cora for Montana
Cora for Montana
PO Box 428
Bozeman, MT 59771
United States
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