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Dear Friends and Supporters,
Just over a week ago I announced my candidacy for US Congress and the response has been overwhelming.
Our country is at a crossroads like never before. We have chaos at every turn - Geopolitical chaos - Pandemic chaos - Fiscal chaos - Economic chaos - Border invasion chaos - Domestic chaos - Energy chaos - Civil liberties chaos - Culture chaos, and the list goes on.
What we do not have enough of is unapologetic, conservative fighters in DC.
WBAP's Chris Salcedo refers to me as a “fearless conservative reformer”. Why? Because when I was a city councilman and Mayor ProTem of a Fort Worth suburb I delivered on the conservative values I campaigned on.
I championed term limits and we amended the city charter – terming myself out of office. I also championed a spending growth cap. We instituted it. We implemented the most stringent ethics and transparency policy we could come up with. All on the city charter so only voters - not politicians - could revoke them.
Being a reformer is easy to talk about, but I did it.  I’m running to reform Washington and create a taxpayer-first model of government there like I did at City Hall.
Today we see a crisis on the Southern border that has reached levels we never thought imaginable. Biden refuses to act, which is why Congressman Chip Roy has filed a discharge petition to get his legislation to close the border on to the House floor. The incumbent congresswoman refuses to sign on to Congressman Roy’s discharge petition forcing Congress to tackle this issue. She has historically and continues to be absent on the border battle.
Our incumbent has also been absent on legislation regarding the dangerous Critical Race Theory curriculum which has crept into our schools and indoctrinating our children.
This week we are staring down the barrel of the largest tax and spend budget ever proposed by congress, and that is saying a lot, at $3.5 TRILLION dollars. Our incumbent has helped draft these spending bills as the senior member of the House appropriations committee.
We can no longer pretend these problems are going to solve themselves.
As a successful retired business development executive – unlike politicians I know what it means to review a financial statement. I understand what it takes to incentivize business growth and the detrimental effects of taxing and spending policies in DC.
But let’s be clear – it is also a time for a real fight for what the American Dream means. It still means something. We must fight for our values; we must push back against the radical socialist left that is taking over DC. Our incumbent congresswoman skips out on critical votes, like last year’s faux impeachment vote.
The fight before us is not easy, but it is righteous. Texas needs someone who can boldly represent Texas’ values in DC.
That is why Sheriff Bill Wayborn is my campaign chairman. He knows the need for a strong supporter of law enforcement, border control, and Texas’ values in DC is needed. He has taken the heat for enforcing immigration detainers at the county jail and the Sheriff looks forward to the day he can have an ally working with him in Congress to enforce immigration laws.
I will do all these things – but I can’t get there without you. We are up against an entrenched well-funded incumbent and 10 days away from a fundraising deadline. I need your help. I’m taking on a big battle against the swamp and that takes resources. Will you stand with me and contribute to my campaign today so we can take the fight to DC?
Every $20 helps us get 4 signs or push our message out further on social media.
Every name that appears on my finance report shows the swamp that we are united and determined to take the fight to DC. Can I count on your support? Time is of the essence.


For Texas,


Chris Putnam

P.S. Never hesitate to reach out to me or the team if you have questions or can volunteer for our campaign. I can be reached at [email protected]


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