For immediate release

September 20, 2021

Prarthana Gurung, [email protected]

Adhikaar Statement on the Senate Parliamentarian Ruling

We remain steadfast in our goal. The time is NOW for Congress to deliver what they’ve promised: Pathway to Citizenship for TPS holders, Dreamers, Farmworkers, and Essential workers


We are disappointed by the Senate Parliamentarian’s ruling yesterday that blocked one of many ways to provide a pathway to citizenship for all TPS holders, Dreamers, Farmworkers, and Essential workers. This will not stop us in our fight towards citizenship for all. We will continue to fight for our people by pushing other avenues. 


Adhikaar will continue to advocate for the over 40,000 Nepali TPS holders, immigrants and families who would benefit, as well as the millions of other TPS holders, Dreamers, Farmworkers, and Essential workers who call this country their home. 


We are calling on Congress to ACT NOW by working together towards citizenship for all 8 million immigrants. 


“Throughout the pandemic, TPS holders and undocumented communities showed resilience and power. When the State failed to respond timely to the pandemic, TPS holders and undocumented immigrants from the Nepali-speaking community sacrificed their lives, mobilized among their peers, and stood up for the broader community. Now is the time for Congress to show up - deliver what you’ve promised immigrant communities. Adhikaar urges congressional leadership to take every possible option to win citizenship. This is the year - you have the power to deliver what was promised.”  - Pabitra Khati Benjamin, Executive Director, Adhikaar


“I came to the United States in 2007, and after many years of struggles chasing my American dream, I currently work at a gas station seven days a week. When Nepal got TPS in 2015, it added a little bit of relief to my uncertain status. I am glad that TPS has allowed me and my family to live and work in the US temporarily, but what we need now is permanent residency. We have had to endure a lot of fear and anxiety due to the uncertainty of TPS. After 14 years in the US, I have embraced American values of hard work, freedom and liberty. I have invested in, and established my life, here in Kyle.” - Kailash Thakali, Nepali TPS holder from Kyle, Texas, and Adhikaar member leader
