Bill Posey - Victory Team


Foundational to the United States and what has made us a great nation are: limited government, individual freedom, and rewarding hard work by allowing Americans to keep the fruits of their labor.

These principles are not only being eroded, but they are literally being shouted down by the mainstream media, liberal/progressive politicians, and Big Tech. We are in a fight for the future of America.

The mainstream media told Americans that “Joe Biden is a moderate and will govern from the middle.”

The reality could not be further from the truth.

We have broken borders, the highest inflation we've seen in decades, an America that is less safe from terrorism, rising crime rates, record deficit spending, an America that is less respected across the globe, and lackluster job growth and economic opportunity.

It’s no secret to you or me why we have these problems. Look no further than President Biden’s “moderate” actions:

  • Appointing the most radical cabinet heads ever to run federal agencies,
  • Working to enact socialist legislation drafted by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “Green New Deal”, and
  • Rather than allowing what’s best for the American people to drive foreign and trade policies, the internationalists Biden has appointed to run foreign policy seem more interested in getting approval from foreign leaders than the American people.

We are in a fight for the future of America!

More Americans need to wake up to this reality.

Each and every day I get in the trenches in Washington to fight against their plans for larger, more expansive government every step of the way.

America is worth fighting for and I need you to join me in this battle.

There are many Americans who share our values, but are simply not engaged in the battle. I need your help in getting them to understand that they can make a difference.

Join me in this battle for the future of America. Please Get involved and support our efforts.


Bill Posey