A Message from Black America's PAC

Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

The Democrats and their mainstream media comrades have unleashed an unbelievably despicable assault on Burgess Owens in a desperate plot to destroy his reputation within the Black Community...

...because this fearless Black conservative is exposing their racist lies and reclaiming Black voters from the Democrat Party like never before.

Watch: Latest Democrat attack compares Black

Republican to KKK...

I'm hoping you'll sign your personal endorsement to reelect Burgess Owens to Congress this election...

...but first let me explain why Democrats are so terrified of Congressman Burgess Owens.

They're coming after Burgess Owens like nothing I've

ever seen!Burgess is a former NFL star & Super Bowl Champion, conservative author, and frequent guest on Fox News and conservative talk radio...

...and he's one of the fastest rising Black conservatives in America because he's fearlessly standing up and fighting back against the Democrats' racist lies & radical agenda at every single turn.

Burgess Owens is a rock-solid conservative through-and-through, he relentlessly fights for our values, and he's not afraid to tell it like it is...

"The Democratic Party looks at the black race as objects... They look at us as something they can bring out every four years, use and then put aside until the next four years. Now, we're sprinting off this plantation, and I'm so excited to see it."

As you know, the Democrats ruthlessly slander Black conservatives like Burgess Owens, Tim Scott, and myself in order to destroy our credibility, trust-worthiness, and status within the Black Community...

...because, unlike conservatives of any other race, we can speak directly to the Black Community to expose the Democrats' lies & hypocrisy.

But they're coming after Burgess like nothing I've ever seen!

Maybe that's because he's taken the lead on the nationwide effort to reach out to Black voters with the truth. He's made it his mission to...

Expose the Democrat-backed Marxist plot to divide-and-conquer America with racist, hateful rhetoric and propaganda
Reclaim enough Black voters to cripple the Democrat Party for decades to come
Break the chains of the Democrat Plantation that's enslaving Blacks in a mental prison of resentment, victimization, & dependency

"Misery is a powerful tool the left uses. They keep people miserable, hopeless, angry and racist... and that's what divides us."

Burgess has quickly earned a reputation for fearlessly calling out Democrats on their lies and hypocrisy, and his damning critiques of the Democrat Party are spreading like wildfire within the Black Community.

He's opening their eyes to the race-baiting LIES by unmasking the Democrats as opportunistic, self-serving politicians who've done nothing but prey on Blacks for decades with lies, empty promises, and failed policies...

...igniting an exodus of Black voters from the Democrat Party.

The Democrats are Desperate to Defeat Burgess Owens...

...because they know that without their death-grip of at least 90% of the Black vote, it'll be nearly impossible for them to win any more elections.

That's why they poured $12 million into their failed bid to stop Burgess from retaking Mia Love's former seat back from Democrats last election...

...that's why they're desperately funneling even more money and resources into taking him down this election...

...that's why he's at the top Nancy Pelosi's 2022 Target List...

...and that's why they've launched such a vile, racist assault on his character and reputation so early in this critical U.S. House race.

It's painfully obvious the Democrats are terrified of Burgess Owens, and they'll stop at nothing to SHUT HIM UP!

And that's why your signed endorsement to Burgess Owens is so important!

Sean Hannity has endorsed Burgess Owens

"I think the world of you. I fully endorse and support your candidacy, you're a good man with a great heart."

- Sean Hannity

Once you sign your endorsement, I'll send it directly to Burgess so he'll know patriotic conservatives like you have his back as he takes the fight to the Democrats!

Along with your signed endorsement, I pray you'll also make an urgent donation of $28, $40, $75 or more to help recruit as many of your fellow conservatives to endorse & support Burgess Owens as we can get.

Or perhaps you understand how important Burgess Owens is to reclaim Black voters from the Democrat Party, and you'd like to do more to help?

Your generous donation of $250, $500, $1000 or more will help purchase the critical advertising needed to beat back the Democrats' attacks and propel Burgess Owens to victory this election!

Glenn Beck has endorsed Burgess Owens

"Burgess is a friend of mine who has the deepest of character and integrity. He is a man born for these times."

- Glenn Beck

Remember, the Democrats have unleashed an all-out assault to destroy Burgess Owens because he's empowering Black voters to leave the Democrat Party once-and-for-all...

...and the Democrats know that without their stranglehold on Black voters, it'll be impossible for them to ever win again.

So please join Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Donald Trump, and thousands of your fellow patriots in endorsing Congressman Burgess Owens today...

...and please include an urgent donation of $28, $40, $75, $250, $500, $1000 or more to help beat back the Democrats' vicious attacks and propel Burgess Owens to victory this election!

Or if you can't afford that much right now, then please send $20.22, $15, or whatever you can as a symbol of your support.

Thank you, and God Bless.

Alvin Williams, President Alvin Williams, President
        Alvin Williams


© Black America's Political Action Committee

Paid for by Black America's PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year.


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