image description: Transit Operator Sascha Craig speaking at the #SealTheDeal rally outside Rep. Connor Lamb's Penn Hills Office demanding Congress pass $30B for public transit in the federal budget reconciliation process.

Write your reps! Tell them the budget reconciliation MUST INCLUDE a full $3.5 Trillion for public transit, climate justice, and green union jobs!

Congress is on the brink of passing an infrastructure bill & budget reconciliation that will decide the future of our planet. The president and members of Congress have put out big ideas for how to #BuildBackBetter - but these ideas will mean nothing if we don't pass a $3.5T budget reconciliation to fuel them.

We can't let this moment pass us by. Take a minute to write your federal representatives and let them know what we have at stake in this fight.
Image description: headshot of Cheryl Stephens, black woman with long black hair wearing a blue blouse & glasses

Send a Warm Welcome to PPT’s New Community Organizer Cheryl Stephens!

After nearly two months of interviews and hours of tough discussions, PPT is excited to announce the next chapter for our organization’s history. Join us in welcoming Cheryl Stephens to the PPT fam! Cheryl brings a phenomenal set of skills and experiences to the team. We’re eager for the campaigns and victories that lie ahead!
Image description: burning pile of money

Don't let the city burn our chance at recovery! We Demand Public Accountability for the Hundreds of Millions of Dollars of Pittsburgh’s COVID Relief Money.

With no public input, Mayor Peduto & his council rushed to approve their spending plan for Pittsburgh’s $335 Million of COVID relief funding in less than 3 weeks in July. Just last week council approved 3 bills that speed up their proposed timeline, leaving less for our next mayor and the public to influence.

Write your councilperson today to demand accountability for our city’s COVID relief funds.
image description: shot of the crowd on the Capitol steps during the Transit for All PA! Campaign Kickoff Rally in Harrisburg.

Join the virtual Transit for All PA! Campaign Summit with riders and workers from all across the state - Tuesday, 9/14, 6-7pm

The clock is ticking! Congress is coming back from their summer recess and the PA Turnpike just made their last $450 million dollar payment to the public transit trust fund. We are facing fare hikes, transit worker layoffs, service reductions across Pennsylvania if we don't win a dedicated, replacement funding source for transit by 2022.

But we have a plan to grow transit --not just maintain an insufficient status quo-- and truly meet the needs of our communities and environment! Join us to recap the Transit for All PA! campaign and discuss a plan to turn this vision into legislation.
Image description: rider gives a thank-you card to their bus operator. Both are smiling inside the bus.
The bus driver shortage is an emergency. Transit operators & maintenance workers are essential infrastructure for our students, workers, and community.

A national bus driver shortage has more students than ever now using public transit. But many school buses and transit buses are not operating or are terribly late. This means kids aren't able to participate fully in school, workers aren't able to get to their jobs, and our city is being brought to a standstill.

As we advocate with our partners to fix this complicated problem, here are some ways you can help:
Image description: rider gives a thank-you card to their bus operator. Both are smiling inside the bus.
Homestead Steel to Green New Deal's Discussion Group. Session led by PPT Coordinating Committee Member & Bus Operator, Sue Scanlon, and Amalgamated Transit Union Organizer, Chris Townsend
🖱️ ✊ Click-tivist Corner🖱️ ✊️️

Before you move on, take 2 minutes to advocate for transit & housing justice in these surveys:
Image description: graphic from the national #SealTheDeal action. Reads "No cuts to climate, care, jobs & justice" with an image of people holding protest signs
Image description: transit riders and workers holding signs at Transit for All PA! rally in Harrisburg.
Image description: profile shot of red articulated Port Authority bus traveling down a busway. Text above reads "Events"
PPT Organizing Meetings

  • Transit for All PA! Campaign Summit (online) // Tuesday, 9/14, 6-7pm // Zoom Link
  • PPT Communications Committee Meeting (online) // Tuesday, 9/14 // 7-8pm // Zoom Link
  • PPT Research Committee Meetings (online) // Thursdays 2 pm // Zoom link
  • PPT Monthly Meeting (online) // Wednesday, 10/13 // 6:30pm Social Hour, 7-8:30pm Meeting // RSVP here

Other Community Meetings
  • Reel ReelAbilities Film Festival (in-person) // 9/8/21 - 9/12/21 // More info here
  • Green New Deal Discussion (online) about the ATU and PPT, and labor-community solidarity work, led by Sue Scanlon and Chris Townsend // Saturday 9/11 3-5 pm // Register here to attend 
  • Put People First’s Healthcare as a Human Right Week of Action // Sept 13-21st
  • Homewood Healthcare is a Human Right! Human Billboarding and Speakout! // Monday Sept 13 @ 5:30 PM // RSVP
  • Braddock Healthcare is a Human Right! Human Billboarding and Speakout! // Saturday, Sept 18th @ 1:30 PM // RSVP
  • OnePA Education Rights Network’s Know Your Rights Workshop- Ed. Justice for Our Kids (online) // September 21st - 6pm // RSVP on FB
  • Pittsburgh Sunrise Movement Day of Action // September 24th // Details TBD