Hi John, 

This is Alis, Mari’s younger sister. I wanted to let you know that today is Mari’s birthday! She does so much for our community and state, will you join me in wishing her a happy birthday? 

🎉 Click here to sign Mari’s birthday card! 🎉 

Growing up in the Manoogian household, there was never a dull moment. I remember vividly family dinner discussions around politics, the labor movement, and learning how we can all contribute to helping one another. Mari is meant for public service and I’m so proud of all she has accomplished. 

Today is a special day because we get to celebrate my sister Mari. Will you join me in sending her a special greeting and sign her birthday card? 

Let’s make today special for Mari! I can’t wait to show her all the messages from everyone who cares about her. Take a moment to sign Mari's birthday card?

Thank you! 

Alis (Mari’s sister)