As the only Democratic governor in the Deep South on the ballot this year, I have a huge target on my back. And, now that the runoff is underway, out-of-state special interest groups are throwing everything they've got at me.

It doesn't matter that I've governed in a bipartisan way. It doesn't matter that my administration and I have worked hard for the people of Louisiana, from expanding Medicaid to raising the pay of our public school teachers. To some, all that matters is the "D" next to my name.

Friend, I govern by one rule: Put Louisiana First. I'm not asking for your support because we may or may not share the same party. I'm asking because I think we have the same hopes for the state of Louisiana. I'm working toward a future where more people have health care, more children have the opportunity to succeed and where women are paid the same as men for the same job.

But we can't win this election without resources, and we only have a few more weeks to reach as many voters as possible and to defeat my Republican opponent. My campaign has set a goal of getting 200 Election Year Members by midnight tonight to help fund our voter turnout efforts, but right now, we're 68 donations short. Can I count on you to give now so that we can make up the difference, win this election and continue to put Louisiana First?

John Bel Edwards for Governor - Election Year Member

Whether or not you decide to contribute to my campaign for reelection, know that I am grateful that you're a part of this team.

–Governor John Bel Edwards