If you’re ready to take on Big Tech, sign up now for our “Inside Scoop” emails.

Hey there --

This is just a quick email to say thank you.

We’re so grateful for each of our supporters like you who have stepped up to join us in the fight to hold Big Tech companies accountable.

Since our launch a little over a year ago, we’ve received 272 grassroots donations and built a social media following of 5,184 on Twitter. Our message is going farther each day thanks to you.

As we look to our next chapter of calling out Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, etc. for their societal harms and monopoly power, we’re building a list of our top supporters. Add your name to join what we’re calling our “Inside Scoop” email list.

This new email list will receive more frequent updates from our team including:

  • Breaking news updates on the latest failures by Big Tech companies to address disinformation online.
  • Readouts on antitrust legislation moving in Congress that would rein in Big Tech’s monopoly power.
  • Opportunities to contribute ideas and feedback on our future campaigns including our merch in the works.

If you’re ready to take on Big Tech, sign up now for our “Inside Scoop” emails. We’ll keep you up-to-date on our latest work to advance structural reforms to our information ecosystem to foster a healthier democracy.

Appreciate all your support and hope you join us in keeping up the fight.

More soon,

Co-founder & Executive Director
Accountable Tech


As a small non-profit standing up to the world’s most powerful Big Tech companies, we need all the help we can get. Please consider chipping in to support Accountable Tech:


© Accountable Tech 2021
Accountable Tech
712 H Street NE, Suite 1141
Washington, DC 20002
United States
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