We're proud to be one of 37 organizations speaking out today.
We're proud to be one of 37 organizations speaking out today.

We drive policy change to improve the lives of Texas children today 
for a stronger Texas tomorrow.
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Dear John,
Today, in close collaboration with our partners, we wrote to state officials and Texans representing our state in Congress to urge them to ensure children and parents at the border are treated humanely.
We're proud to be one of the 37 Texas groups that spoke out in a single voice on this critical issue.
You can read about our letter here in the Dallas Morning News or read the full letter here on our website. We also invite you to share the letter on social media:
Share the Letter on Twitter
We look forward to continuing to work with you, the rest of our partners, and our elected officials to stop the life-altering trauma that children are enduring and ensure that each and every child in our state — no matter where she was born or how she got here — is treated with the kind of care and compassion that children deserve.
Stephanie Rubin
CEO, Texans Care for Children
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