
Supporters like you have spoken loudly and clearly on health care protections for those with preexisting health conditions: We must do everything we can to defend them.

You made your voice heard when we sent surveys on preexisting conditions. But now, with the runoff election in less than a month, the 800,000 Louisianans living with preexisting medical conditions are in very real jeopardy of losing their health care. 

My opponent's plan would take coverage away from hundreds of thousands of Louisianans. In fact, he's promised to repeal Medicaid expansion if he's elected. I'm proud of all the progress we've made for the health and well-being of Louisianans, but we've got to win this election in order to protect folks living with preexisting conditions.

That's why I've set a goal to raise $10,000 before midnight tonight. With only weeks to build up our resources for this run-off election, every goal and every donation matters more than ever. So will you rush $5 now to defend protections for people with preexisting conditions, win reelection and keep Louisiana moving forward?

Thank you,

Governor John Bel Edwards